According to the research, every third person is facing fungal diseases of the nails. In addition, the fungus on the nails until a few decades ago, it is encountered quite rarely.

According to the researchers, the prevalence of the disease, which has received thanks to the benefits of civilization: high availability pools, saunas, public gyms, which was created to promote the health of the man. But, doing a build-up of muscle mass or liberation from excess weight, a man rarely draws attention to the risk, that is next to him: pathogenic fungi, that are only waiting to become one with the new "master". The consequences (and not only of an aesthetic nature) do not wait. Obscured, loose, layering the nails, the bad smell of the foot and the shoe is not the most terrible manifestations of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus is able to spread in other parts of the body, reduced immunity and promote local secondary infection – the penetration in the tissues and in the blood of pathogenic bacteria, but also be the cause of the infection. At-risk members of the family of the sick person - the people whose skin is in contact with the surfaces on which are microscopic particles that infects the skin. For this reason the purchase for the home kit effective means by fungus of the nail – great idea, especially if you attend a gym, swimming pools and other public places where is high the probability of infection by the fungus. So, what are the remedies against the fungus of the nail gives us the modern pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine?
Drugs from mushroom of the nail
The active ingredient of a group of drugs has a high "cumulative" effect. This means that when you use the medication the substance accumulates in the tissues of the nail plate, and gradually reaches its maximum concentration, disastrous for the fungi. Auxiliary substances, are part of the drug, facilitate the penetration of substances nail tubules, which, in fact, applies to the fungus. The advantages. In addition to the antifungal activity of the drug prevents secondary infection of the tissues, relieves the itching and in a short time relieves the inflammation, caused fungal defeat. Disadvantages. Clinical studies of the drug, which have confirmed or disproved its safety, have not yet been performed. Therefore, today, the medication is contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and nursing women, and people with intolerance to any component of this tool. The score. Complete the action of these drugs is its unique, even if it is of concrete benefit, that has provided the drug 9 points in ten in the ranking of the best funds from the nail fungus.
From the reviews: "the Treaty of fungus on the nails and on the skin between the toes. Frankly, the fungus can survive, but not itching that causes. This medication is literally a day away the itch, even if in reality the fungus treated according to the instructions – until the complete regrowth of the nail". The principle active funds against the fungus has a strong antifungal activity, and is effective against the majority of yeasts, moulds and other fungi. Penetrating into the tissue of the nail affected by a fungus, the active ingredient of purple in these organisms, metabolism and destroys their cell wall, which becomes a stop-factor for the formation of colonies of fungi and their further multiplication. The advantages. High effectiveness is confirmed by clinical studies, but the percentage of healing defeat nails taken into consideration in the least: the main attention was devoted to fungal diseases of the skin. For this reason, it is difficult to say: so if the cream is effective for onychomycosis, as with seborrhea of the scalp. But what really has been shown – use local active substances not detected in the blood even after prolonged use of tools. Therefore, for the treatment of care, pregnant women, and people with any diseases of the kidneys and liver this cream is allowed. Disadvantages. It is not very convenient scheme to use the cream (twice a day) in combination with his consistency – not too dense and oily, it can deliver of difficulty. This is especially true for those of you who the treatment has caught on the road or outside the house.
The score. In general, shampoo is worth 10 points out of ten. But not enough large clinical trials on the issues that are of concern to us here and now – the treatment of nail fungus - yet to reduce his rating. Then focus on 9 points. From the reviews: "I liked the shampoo, when the treaty of fat seborrhea head. So, when he found the mushroom of the nail, once took the same name cream. I still don't see noticeable results on the nail – the beginning of the treatment only a week ago, but the skin around the nail has become a healthier appearance". Active ingredient inhibits the growth and activity of various species of fungi, including those that cause the defeat of the nails. With the correct use of the medication according to directions, in nail, created the concentration of the drug with various forms of release, which for a long period of time prevents a new infection. The advantages. The comfort is the choice of the dosage form in the form of a spray, solution, gel or cream. All forms of release of the drug are equally effective. With the proper use of the drug evident improvements were observed already after 2 weeks.
Disadvantages. High-quality treatment, which provides this tool, due to the powerful action of the drug with various forms of release. But precisely for this reason the treatment of nail fungus is not breast-feeding, pregnant women and children up to 12 years is contraindicated. The score. One of the best tools from nail fungus, popular in all over the world, but it requires a strict observance of the "rules of the game". Deserves 10 points out of 10. From the reviews: "I believe that the price of tools is overrated, even if you use it in the form of spray is very convenient. The fungus is the past, however, as the other one, the nail, enjoyed a care of about a month." In lacquers for the treatment of nail fungus are used, different active substances, and the cost of these drugs varies considerably, from the hotels. These are the best and the most popular lucky to the treatment of fungal infections defeats nails, and all are combined with the same advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages. Each of the active substances are strong antifungal agents that inhibit the growth and activity of fungi. Ease-of-use of paints leaves no doubts – periodic or one-off treatment to hit the nail before the first (or every) the application of funds and, consequently, remains the only follow the instructions: "paint" the nail of one to two times per day or even once a week. Disadvantages. Unfortunately, with all the effectiveness of antifungal for the substances contained in the composition of paints, they are ineffective in the case of deep fungal, and also if the localization of the fungus under the nail plate. This lack in some way compensated by the ability of the nail to accumulate medicinal substances, which, with the passage of time, they propagate in depth. But even considering this, there is no guarantee that after a couple of months after the completion of treatment the fungus will not receive the "nothing". Known as: phases of the nail, which have not been able to penetrate the active substances.
The score. The inability to predict the effectiveness of treatment immediately without even the best varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus a few points in the standings. But immediately returned, as it is still the best way to prevent injuries fungal. Then for those attending swimming pools, saunas and gyms, will be interesting to discover the "double" evaluation of paints: we give them 7 out of 10 points as drugs for treatment, and 10 of 10 minutes as instruments for the prevention of nail fungus. Reviews on lacquers from nail fungus: "fungus Cure the toe of the foot – the effect is absolutely zero. It is true, I have not had the opportunity to steam out the foot, put nail Polish to dry. After a few months I bought another drug and not only that, the fungus has just begun to destroy the nail, I have done everything according to the instructions. After 2 months and not a trace". In the composition of tea tree oil are terpenes, which are the basis for the antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action of the means. And the tea tree oil - a powerful antimicrobial substance, up to now revealed only the oil of the tea tree, which makes it really unique.
The advantages. Given the 100% natural oil, it can be indicated for the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin and nails of the foot even among pregnant women, nursing mothers infants and children. He pronounced the antifungal activity, inhibiting the growth of fungi, and thanks for the antimicrobial effect does not allow of a secondary infection sections weakened vital functions and pathogenic microorganisms. Disadvantages. A strong odor, which some describe as a pleasant and cool, the other looks more "medical". Range of action of tea tree oil is extensive, but some types of fungi resistant to tea tree oil, which makes this tool useless in the treatment of a number of fungal infections defeats. Also the oil is not recommended for people with individual intolerance components of this tool. The score. The almost total absence of contraindications, the efficiency, complete the action – this allows you to define tea tree oil the best folk remedy from nail fungus and gave him 10 points out of ten.From the reviews: "I Had to deal with a recurring fungus on the legs during pregnancy. Synthetic drugs use fear, gave preference to the oil of the tea tree. I can say that the best way to nail fungus I have in hand has not yet been: to "root" the nail has become grow smooth and pink. Now I take care of constantly within the road and shoes home this oil – already 7 years as forgot the mushroom.
That there is to know in the treatment of nail fungus?
The efficiency of the funds by nail fungus, it is possible to greatly increase, if you use the "tricks":
- Before applying the tools to thoroughly wash the feet in warm water with mild soap (better to use the child: normal or economic), after which it is necessary to change the hot water and steam out of nails not less than 5-7 minutes. This procedure "opens" the cells of the nail, which will allow you to paint or cream penetrate more deeply into its fabric. Just do not forget that foot baths hot are contraindicated in the case of varicose veins, hypotension, increased body temperature.
- Make sure that the nail, which is grown in a timely manner has been cut. Service of the "free" plate of the nail must be removed as regrowth, for free the access of drug function to the soft tissue nail bed.
- Process not only the nail, but on the texture of the healthy tissue. "Seize new areas" do not hesitate, not less than 1 cm from the nail: the fungus is able to survive drug attack in the surrounding tissues, and at the end of treatment return as if nothing had happened.
- If you struggle with fungal defeats has become your way of life, and live in a mode of "delete the fungus - happy healing - detect the fungus again" - necessarily consult a physician. It will probably be necessary microscopic examination of the sample of the nail with the objective of identifying the causative agent and the subsequent allocation of drugs, to which "the" fungus still has not achieved sustainability.